Occasionally a time may come when pallets can no longer be used, or they may need to be cleared to make space for something else. The best way to dispose of these unwanted pallets is to look for an effective pallets clearance and collection service. Pallets can be recycled in many different ways and by using a good pallets clearance service, it means that your business can increase space by clearing these unwanted pallets.

P&A Pallets & Packing Cases offers a clearance and collection service which means we are able to come and collect your wooden pallets free of charge. When cleared, the pallets are then taken back to our site in Mold, Flintshire, where they are recycled and either turned into Woodchip which can be used as a biomass fuel, or they are reconditioned and used again.
We are able to clear and collect your wooden pallets from towns all across North Wales as well as towns in the counties of Cheshire, Greater Manchester, Merseyside and Shropshire.
P&A Pallets & Packing Cases operates a zero waste policy which means any unrepairable pallets are chipped and used to fuel our 200 kilowatt biomass boilers that heat our offices and warehouses.
Contact us today to let us know if your business is in need of our pallets clearance and collection services.